I’ve had a three week long vacation visiting my family in Finland and friends in Sweden. Been skiing at the very Northern top of Finnish Lapland, and just tried catching up on all lost time after having been fooling around in the world for quite some years. So happy I decided to move back to Europe as it makes seeing them all much easier. Nothing more important in the end of the day.
Also have had time to finish my website for my new endeavor. THIS is what I have been talking about! Might seem it went very quickly to develop. I’ve only been here a month in total. But these ideas, and my vision and intention have been within me for many years now. The seeds have finally started growing into something substantial and tangible. I’m very grateful to the owners of these villas for trusting me to represent their properties, and for being so open minded with all my ideas.
The vacation homes that I rent out, in combination with my holistic view on food, nutrition and life in general creates a very intimate, personal experience for the visitor. There are only two accommodations available, one three bedroom house (sleeps 8) and one one bedroom apartment (sleeps 4). I live right next door, and serve breakfast for guests in the morning and give tips on things to do on the island. I also have a very spontaneous garden café open most days of the week during high season. Meaning, I cook and prepare the sort of food I feel in the mood for that specific day. No fixed menus, just a very easy going approach to food and eating and if you get the sense that you are visiting someones home, then I have succeeded. It’s all small scale, very personal.
I have started growing my own organic food, so far the seeds of cherry tomatoes, oregano, nero di toscana kale, red basil and broccoletti have begun sprouting. What a beautiful process seeing something grow from almost nothing. A very inspiring process to witness.
We’re located right in the middle of the most gorgeous natural land on Paros. In between a majestic mountain range, olive groves and the beautiful Mediterranean sea. The sea view is insane, sun rising behind the island of Naxos each morning. And the Golden Beach (where I made my previous video), is a 10 min bike ride away. You can see it from the terrace of each villa.